We welcome your feedback concerning TheBootPros products, services and policies.
POLICIES TheBootPros LLC and its affiliates attempt to be as accurate as possible. However, TheBootPros LLC does not warrant that product descriptions or other content of this site are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. If a product offered by TheBootPros LLC itself is not as described upon delivery, your sole solution is to return the product in it's original new and unused condition, in the original packaging, for an exchange or return per our terms and policies. PLEASE CHECK THE PRODUCT(S) AND PRODUCT BOX YOU RECEIVE FOR ACCURACY OF PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING THE STYLE AND FEATURES YOU REQUESTED. The information you provide today will NOT be sold, distributed or shared with any third party individuals or companies. TheBootPros LLC may use general information (name, union, job) you provide on our websites and/or social networking sites we use...to help "spread the word." Your personal information (address, phone, email) will be used by TheBootPros LLC in communication materials (printed or electronic) sent directly to you in reference to product orders, new product introductions and any newsworthy information about our footwear products. *Discounts limited to union members and immediate family members. TheBootPros LLC retains the authority to deny discount priviledges if it determines that access is unauthorized (by non-active members). Discount is based on suggested retail price posted on the web site for each product. Conditions beyond our control may result in late deliveries of some advertised items. All items are subject to stock on hand. Prices were current at the time of posting.We reserve the right to change prices without notice and to correct errors. TheBootPros LLC will NOT sell, rent or distribute customer information collected to any third parties. All rights reserved. ©2006-2019 TheBootPros LLC Thorogood's logo, text, graphics and photo images are the property of Weinbrenner Shoe Company, Inc. and are used with permission. Copyright ©2017-2019. Questions and Answers Please call us toll-free if you have any further questions. Ask for Walter during regular business hours. Thank you for your business. Walter Brown President TheBootPros LLC walter@thebootpros.com 1-800-723-5384 |
TheBootPros LLC and its affiliates attempt to be as accurate as possible. However, TheBootPros LLC does not warrant that product descriptions or other content of this site are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. If a product offered by TheBootPros LLC itself is not as described upon delivery, your sole solution is to return the product in it's original new and unused condition, in the original packaging, for an exchange or return per our terms and policies. PLEASE CHECK THE PRODUCT AND PRODUCT BOX YOU RECEIVE FOR ACCURACY OF PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING THE STYLE AND FEATURES YOU REQUESTED. All rights reserved. ©2006-2017 TheBootPros LLC Thorogood's logo, text, graphics and photo images are the property of Weinbrenner Shoe Company, Inc. and are used with permission. Copyright ©2017. |